Renata Lawson
Renata Lawson has a USSF "C" license and National Youth License. She has been coaching since 2000 with Copper Mountain, Utah Soccer Alliance and Sparta United including recreation, academy, and competition teams. She ran a successful off-track soccer camp at the South Jordan Rec Center for 5 years and co-directed the U-8 academy in 2015. Currently, she is the Director of Coaching for Copper Mountain Soccer Club, and coaches two teams. Renata played soccer through high school in southern California and then with Cypress College in Orange County, California. She also played several years with the Mayhem competitive women’s team here in Utah and countless indoor leagues. Renata would like to see players learn good technique and come to appreciate the tactics of this beautiful game. Players should have fun, work hard, and develop a confidence in themselves on and off the field.